From floor meetings to active programs you need to let your residents know what's up somehow right? This post will be a compilation of publicity I have done in the past and will be updated if I make something in the future that I would love to share.
I know as a first year I became so flyer blind I almost instinctively ignored 8.5"x11"s just because it was way too much. Free hot dogs at this, Greek Life that, tryouts here, club meeting was all just a bit too much. Now I am not saying I did not go to things...because in actuality I went to a lot of my RAs' programs. It was partly because they were interesting, mostly because I wanted to be an RA in the following year and I wanted to see what was up. Anyway by the end of the year PR had to be very different from all the other flyers to catch my attention. So naturally when time allotted I tried to do things other than flyers.
Floor Meetings are the first Monday of every Month at 10 pm in your lounge or hallways. Each floor meeting is run by the floors RAs. These meetings are 'mandatory'. We take attendance but there is no way to force people to floor meetings. So I try and make them as fun and quick as possible. I was kinda successful, but sometimes the agenda just had to contain ALL THE INFORMATION EVER and quick just could not be done. I used the same floor meeting signs all semester so residents got conditioned. When you see the sign you go to the meeting. I had Honey Boo Boo, Despicable Me, and Sweet Brown themed ones first semester. Second semester I had Ryan Gosling, Pretty Little Liars, and Sponge Bob ones. This year I am continuing with the Pretty Little Liars one since I just love it so much!
Maybe now is a good time to mention I go to a small school. Our buildings are about 100-200 students.
So this is an example of PR gone bad and then Taylor had like no time to make it better.
Our PR needs to be up 5 days before the program or we lose points. OH YEAH I forgot to tell you! Each program is graded on a scale of 0-5 and we need 60 points a semester. It is not as bad as it sounds. We get 1 point per floor meetings (1 a month x 4 months a semester = 4 easy points) and other easy to earn points.
Anyway back to the PR above. So I was doing a just for fun bracelet making program. I love making bracelets with embroidery floss. I know how to put words in them and about 6 different other patterns so I thought it would be fun to share that with my residents. Anyway this was in January so I had had some experience and I thought WAY outside the box. I tried to make a bracelet out of butcher I knotted butcher paper. Yea it went about as well as you think. My staff member and I had a laugh before recycling it. I can't find the picture of it right now, but when I do I will post it. So with an hour or so to make 9 PRs this is what I came up with. I made 9 different bracelet looking flyers and got them up just in time.
What better shape for a Cake Pop program than a Cake Pop! |
So me being the crafty person I am there are times I think I am artistic because of it. So that is how I got here. Here we have a 2 foot tall converse shoe. My building last year had windows for walls, on the first floor, that we could hang PR in. This is where jumbo PR came in. Anyway it is a tad misshapen but I like it anyway so here it is!
Jumbo PR wasn't always a success. Here is my Pi Day Pi shaped Pie PR. |
I love Just Dance. It is fun and exercise. So naturally I did a program. These were the absolute worst to cut. However, I just couldn't resist. So 12 of these later...
I just had to save my two favorite from my first year as an RA for last.
So the picture on the left is of a Barbie head that I free handed and is currently in the office of my supervisor (RLC) from last year. After drawing and erasing and drawing and erasing and drawing I finally got it to look like this and put it up in our front window. It is about 2.5 ft tall and was the worst thing to tape but I loved it!
The picture on the right is 3'x3', was double sided, and is in my new room to this day. It combined Twister, Sorry, Scrabble, and Cards obviously and I think it required the second most amount of glue of anything I did. The other side was lite blue and looked like the bottom half of a Battleship board. It was marked with Apples to Apples apple shapes, dice, small sorry pieces, and other assorted game objects. It is one of my proudest programming accomplishments as an RA.
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