Thursday, August 28, 2014

I didn't choose the RA life...well I guess I did.

Hi I'm Taylor and I'm a door dec addict. I am also an RA for my college. I am currently in my 3rd year on campus, 3rd year in a res hall (3rd res hall as well), and 2nd year as an RA. I have come a long way since my first move-in and even my first board *YIKES!!!*, but I am very proud of all my ups and downs and I would like to share them with you.

I love to passive program. Door decs, boards, PR, you name it. If it can be made with butcher block, dye-cuts, markers, or a printer I am so there. I do about a door dec per month for my lovely residents (last year I had around 20 first and second year women, this year 30 second and third year women). I like to change my boards every 4-5 weeks. I also love making PR that is jumbo or different than your average flyer.

A little bit more about my programs...The college I am at has programming requirements based off the core values. The core values are Community, Intellectual Excellence, Stewardship, Social Responsibility, and last but not least Faith, Meaning, and Values.
Community is anything that does not fit into the others and is just for the pure enjoyment of it.
IE is anything related to school such as grad school, time management, scheduling classes, understanding our gen ed system, on campus involvement, study habits, etc.
Stewardship is being responsible for yourself and things around you like your body/physical health, mental/emotional health, fiscal responsibility, drug/alcohol awareness, being stewards of the environment and stuff like that.
SR is topics having to do with -isms, identity, LGBTQ issues, community service, civic engagement, and what have you.
FMV is semi-self explanatory. Anything having to do with Religion, values, ethics, stress relief, mental health (many topics can be molded for different values), and so on all fits in here.

Since you've read this far I think I will wrap it up with some things about me. I am a Math major looking to become a certified high school teacher. At home I work at an independent book store and have so many books in my room here and home it may frighten people. I also work at a summer camp based off books and create the activities for the camps. At school I work with the Sports Information Director meaning I do statistics and a bunch else related to sports. It combines two of my favorite things math and sports. I am the oldest of 3 children in my lovely family. I love to bake and cook and have the Pinterest boards to show you that. And I am currently watching Monsters University while writing this post. My movie interest do expand outside of Disney, although Disney movies are So Fetch! ;)

For my other RA  friends out there or people heavily involved on campus or in leadership positions my True Color is Gold, my Love Languages are Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch, and my Top 5 Strengths are Achiever, Learner, Positivity, Individualization, and Developer. For those who are completely lost that pretty much means I am organized, I get stuff done, I like being around people while I get stuff done, and am usually happy while getting stuff done.

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to keep reading entries or stop back sometime. If nothing else you can look me up on Pinterest, or not...your life choice!

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